Hoping to splash next week

We have had a couple of delays and we are now at 5 weeks in the yard. The original conservative estimate was 3 weeks. Next time I’ll plan for at least 50% over time and money budget! 

The upgrade from a normally aspirated to turbo Diesel engine means we need to change the exhaust system. Going from 2.5 to 3″ doesn’t sound like a lot, but the exhaust has no straight shot from the engine room.  This means it has to be snaked out the port side of the engine room, make a 90degree turn to aft, wrap over and around the fuel tank, around the head, under the master bunk to the exhaust port through holes designed for smaller hose.  This alone took three man days!

While we were changing the exhaust, I made the decision to upgrade the generator exhaust.  The original system had the genset exhaust connecting to the engine exhaust via a Y fitting and sharing an outlet.  This is not ideal, so we added another exhaust fitting to keep the two separate. 

Motor mounts are reportedly done and the install is going on now.  

Fingers crossed for no more surprises!

Refit Update: Bottom Paint and Prop Shaft

We have mostly completed the bottom paint and replaced most of the seacocks and thru-hulls.   The prop shaft has been balanced and a new dripless seal installed.   Horray to a dry(er) bilge!
New Dripless shaft seal
New Dripless shaft seal
Propshaft in Engine Compartment

New Bottom Paint
New Bottom Paint