It seems that each of us work so hard in our daily lives to make ourselves as comfortable as possible. What that means is we want the nice cars, fancy gadgets, big screen TVs….things! It is easy to fill up a home with all of these “things” and it feels oh so gratifying to do so. Well my friends, let me tell you what is not fun about it. Deciding what to do with all of those gadgets, thingamabobbers, clothes, shoes, kitchen items, tools, the list goes on and on…yep, still going on!
We are in full de-clutter mode and it’s proving to be difficult. With every turn, cabinet, and drawer there are decisions to be made. Have I told you that I am an indecisive kind of person?! Ahhhhh!!!! Each day the donate piles are getting larger and we are finding ourselves frustrated that we didn’t go through our things sooner. Perhaps we could have sold some of these items rather than give them away. The great news is Brad’s older brother and sister in law have agreed to let us store items at their house, AND let us borrow a vehicle. We are SO grateful for their help!
Ok enough ranting, are you still with me? I’m sure you are here to read about the new boss. Well things are in full swing and Brad has been a busy bee! Currently he is immersed in the solar wiring project. Jesper has been giving us a tremendous amount of help and support over the past few weeks. He has revived our generator and she is now running smoothly. He helped me with the lifeline netting install AND he is joining us on our sail to Cabo! We couldn’t be more excited for his friendship, support and sailing smarts. 🤗
I won’t go in to too many details about the completed projects because I feel Brad can do them a lot more justice than I can. I will say, the solar panels and mounts look amazing! Big things are happening and ready or not, our big departure day is coming up around the corner. Wish us luck!!!
Since one simply cannot post a blog without photos, here are a few for your viewing pleasure. Brad working on the solar install, the new lifeline netting and a pretty view leaving the marina. Cheers!