We left Bahía de Los Muertos early in the morning and were escorted out with a dreamy sunrise. Could you ask for a better view while enjoying coffee? I think not!

Brad and I visited La Paz not long ago while looking at a potential boat to purchase. We fell in love with the city and were very excited to have our own boat here. The passage from Muertos to La Paz took the better part of a day and we were able to sail for a few hours before surrendering to our motor. The scenery along the way is untouched, rolling hills that dip into the ocean.

We rounded the corner between Isla Espiritu Santo and El Tecolote and made our way to the La Paz channel.

We were nervous making the entrance because we have heard horror stories of boats running aground. As we made our way closer there were the trusty red and green channel markers showing us the way to go. As long as we kept the boat between the markers we would be fine. A couple of our friends were already anchored in La Paz and we were looking forward to reuniting with them. The odd thing about La Paz is that you can essentially anchor anywhere, as long as you aren’t in the channel. We chose a spot near our friends and quickly got down to the task of having dinner. We were starving! Sunset as we arrived…

The following day we met up with our friends Jim and Steve and explored the city a bit more. Jim located the mother of all ice cream shops, and even Sydney gets to enjoy the tasty delights that they sell.

We make a point to visit daily. It’s a decent walking distance from the dock so it kind of makes up for it. 😉 In other treat news, we were all spoiled when Jim came aboard and made us crepes, with all the fixings. Talk about amazing!

The next morning Steve returned the favor with a delicious breakfast, with fruit and orange juice to boot! As our turn arrived we made pancakes, bacon and eggs.

We spent a few days anchored in La Paz and decided to move to a new anchorage, one that we could enjoy a bit more. We wound up in Caleta Lobos. The first night there the winds were very strong, but the remaining nights were smooth as glass.

Roca Lobos is just outside the anchorage and is phenomenal for snorkeling or diving. Boy were we impressed! The water was clear, there were plenty of fish to see and to top it off we had a sea lion join our party. She was very sweet, curious and playful. We swam with her for a few minutes and made our way back to the dinghy for a break. We were all in awe of her playfulness and agreed it was a wonderful experience.
Caleta Lobos was the prettiest anchorage we’ve been to so far. The water shifts from dark blue to a gorgeous light teal color as it shallows. You have to see it to believe it. 

For once Sydney seemed to be impressed! Or maybe she was just happy to get off the boat and run around. 😉 We stayed at Caleta Lobos for 3 nights and turned around back to La Paz. We were having a serious case of ice cream withdrawals….ok I’m lying, just a little bit though. We had plans to grab a slip and one happened to be available.
Sydney’s Perspective- La Paz la schmazzz the only good thing about it here is I get ice cream. Sometimes my humans take me to the beach but not as often as I’d like. They did take me to a cool beach, but made me suffer for a couple of hours while we traveled there. I guess this boating thing isn’t so bad as long as they keep giving me beach time and ice cream- in that order please!
We hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and happy holidays ahead! Cheers!!!
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Wow…what scenery! You get to enjoy nature at it’s best out there.
Thanks for sharing the pics, the laughs and the stories.
Also, thanks for adding the maps! Love to see where you’ve been and heading.
I’m glad you enjoyed the story and the maps. If all goes well we will be on the move again later this week. Heading to Puerto Vallarta!
Hello Brad and Sarah, this adventure is absolutely amazing and thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us. We feel like we’re with you all along the way. Everytime I got an email notification, will squeeze time to read these updates 😊 And the pictures!! HOLY ….. Totally crazy. Enjoy the Puerto Ride
It has been quite the adventure so far, in the best of ways. Thank you for tagging along with us! Cheers to you and happy holidays coming up!