Today marks 125 days since we left San Diego on this crazy adventure! I figured the occasion was worthy of a new blog post. 😊 Since our excursion to Yelapa we’ve found ourselves back on the other side of the bay. Here’s what we’ve been up to…
A little boat maintenance- We docked the boat at Paradise Village so Brad could safely go up the mast without any rocking. His mission was to prevent further chafing of our main halyard. At the suggestion of our friend and rigger, Chris, he filed down the sheave box. He also took the opportunity to fix our wind instrument- would you believe he found surface corrosion 55ish feet up in the air?! He was quite a trooper and took the job in stride! Since we were in the marina we filled up our water tanks, vacuumed, cleaned the boat and ate plenty of ice cream. I was the overachiever and got myself a case of food poisoning while we were at it. I’ll spare you the details but buckets are a handy thing to have around. 😂
On that fine note, we left the marina and headed to Punta Mita.  It was roughly a 12 mile sail that started out easy enough but kicked our butts along the way.  We need more practice!  Here’s a glance at our routes around the bay since we’ve been here…
Speaking of practice, we competed in our first race against our friend Jim on his Baba 30. After our botched sail to Punta Mita a few days prior, we needed to get our sailing mojo back. The race certainly helped! The race led us from Punta Mita eventually down to La Cruz on several tacks. We followed behind Jim for miles and miles as we sailed downwind. We couldn’t believe we couldn’t pick up enough speed to pass. Things changed as we tacked and went upwind. Once the sails were tweaked the boat took off like a rocket going 7-8 knots, plowing through the water like a boss! Yeehaw!!! We were on the upwind tack for about 20 minutes and then the race was over. After considering the handicap, Perspective lost the race, but we gained bruises, bumps and confidence in ourselves as a team. It felt good! Here are some photos of Silk Purse in action…A few from our Perspective…

A few learning opportunities…Dinghy driving lessons were in session due to Brad heading to San Diego for a few days. I knew how to drive the dinghy before, but this gave me the opportunity to really learn. Or else I’d be trapped on the boat 24/7 in the anchorage. Sydney would never let me get away with that so we took our morning trips to shore and wound up at the dinghy dock for her walks. Jim on Silk Purse was a huge help on most of our trips to shore and more importantly, getting Sydney back in Perspective.
Another learning opportunity presented itself at the Marina, a suture clinic with a doctor showing us hands on how to do it. This is something I would have avoided before this trip. Knowing Brad will likely need help at some point, I figured it was my duty to learn. I awkwardly held the tools and completed my suture on a pig leg. It took lots of focus but I know I’ll be able to do it should the need arise!
We’ve attended the local farmers market here in La Cruz. It happens each Sunday and it’s always fun to grab a bite to eat and do a little provisioning.
The market as seen from the water…
We made our first batch of cookies on board, chocolate no bake cookies. They were tasty, but not as good as my Mom makes!
A little slice of anchorage views…some days it’s as flat as a lake, others it’s a windy, choppy mess out here.
Sydney’s Perspective: you guys, would you believe I haven’t been allowed to exercise in 2 weeks?! I just finished up antibiotics in case I caught some disease from a tick bite. Big whoop! I did convince my humans to take me to the beach anyway…
Other than that, it’s been the consistent pouting, begging and lounging going on.  I even threw in a tantrum for good measure.Â
Well there you have it, some of our day to day stuff going on around here. Got any questions for us? Shoot us a comment and I’ll reply or plan a blog post around the questions. We love to hear from you! Much love from the crew of SV Perspective!
The photo of the dog running on the beach is a hoot!