We couldn’t get enough of Isla Isabel the first time so we were happy to go back for seconds. It’s difficult to describe this place, but we know it is truly a pleasure to visit here. It’s an unspoiled island just full of life. This time we left from Chacala Bay and headed up to the island. As seen from the illustration, X truly does mark the spot…Before we could get underway, we had to rerun our lazy jack line that came undone. This was a simple task, but required a trip up the mast. I chose to go up snapped a few photos from the second spreaders after the repair was complete.We left Chacala Bay in the evening so we would be sure to arrive to the island the next morning with plenty of daylight to spare. The anchorage is notorious for being rocky and swallowing anchors. It does offer a few sandy spots that are ideal to drop in, so it’s best to arrive with plenty of sunlight to see the bottom.
We haven’t done an overnight sail since December and it was definitely an adventure. We motor sailed the entire night with calm winds, a lumpy sea, endless amounts of stars in the sky AND a very special display of flashing lights beside our boat that lasted a few hours. It wasn’t your typical bioluminescence that was lighting up. This was the size of a softball that would light up and disappear as quickly as it came. If I had to guess, I’d say they were some sort of jellyfish. No matter the case, it was beautiful to sit and watch as the miles flew by. Brad and I took turns with watches and before we knew it, the night was behind us and dawn was breaking. It was a gorgeous sunrise and a welcome display of light.As we pulled up to the island we noticed just a few boats in the anchorage and a spot that looked good to drop. Unfortunately we had arrived a little early and couldn’t see down to the bottom, but fortunately we got lucky and dropped in a nice sandy patch. Yahoo! We caught up on some sleep and met up with the crew of Silk Purse. Jim has a friend also named Jim helping him crew the boat up to La Paz. It has been great getting to know the new Jim, and he came armed with a recipe to make bread. We will not let him leave until he hands over the said recipe…The next day Jim, Brad and I took the dinghy to shore for some exploring. The last time we were here the birds were in the thick of courting season, and they had plenty to show for their flirtatious efforts. There were chicks everywhere! The blue footed boobies nest pretty much anywhere on the ground so you have to be careful and keep your eyes peeled so you don’t step too close. The mamas will lay on their nests and typically do not move as you pass by. We made our way around as best as we could and I zoomed in as far as my camera allowed. Here are some shots of the chicks we saw…Their feathers are pure, fluffy white and we were surprised to see how large the chicks have grown. Not all boobies had chicks, but they were still beautiful as ever to photograph…There were also the frigates that had plenty of chicks on display as well. We learned that the frigates are big bullies to the boobies on this trip, but at least their babies are kind of cute. We also saw some friendly lizards and iguanas. Some did their best to blend in, others just wanted a great view. I think the guy with the ocean view has his priorities right. High Five Mr. Iguana! Speaking of ocean views, this time we had a sunny sky to compliment the gorgeous blue waters. Check it out…The fish camp looked picturesque as ever…The Las Monas rocks were equally stunning and provided amazing snorkeling grounds! And I cant leave out the Crater Lake…still lifeless as last visit. This trip was certainly the boost we needed after a long stay in Banderas Bay. We felt like we were cruising, exploring, and playing again. It’s amazing what clear waters will do to your morale.
I checked with Sydney and she is not ready to speak to me about our visit in Isla Isabel. Once again we weren’t allowed to let her on shore, so you can imagine her mood. On top of that we kind of tormented her with some dress up. Maybe next time she will have something to say. So until then, may this post find you happy, healthy and having your best day. Cheers!
The best post! Liked all the photos and your ease of writing. It is getting better each time. The dog is being such a perfect model. Best
Thanks so much! Sydney does make the best model, she’s got that brooding thing going for her. 😉