Ensenada Grande is located on the northern portion of Espiritu Santo and has three lobes to drop anchor in. There was a small, private beach near where we dropped and we promptly took Princess Sydney to shore. Having her on board is a pleasure. Because of her demands we have the opportunity to slow down and observe while she fetches her heart out. Here she is in her element…

Brad checking out the views from above…

More views of Ensenada Grande…

We took a dinghy tour the first evening and made plans to snorkel the next day. We scoped out some amazing stops and couldn’t wait to explore the next day. As nature would have it, we did not get to snorkel the next day. Instead we quickly prepared to pick up anchor and set sail. Why the sudden change? One by one we were invaded by bees looking for fresh water. The swarming sound as you descended the stairs was unnerving. Luckily they were not aggressive, and even better, they left us as we sailed away!

We chose a small fishing village called San Evaristo on the Baja side of the sea. Our guidebook told us there was a small market, restaurant and a place to drop off trash. We arrived and settled in to green, murky water. Gone was the beautiful blue water that we saw on the island. As I sat in the cockpit I noticed some serious splashing going on in the cove across from us. Upon further investigation I determined it was the mobula rays making all that ruckus. Brad, Sydney and I loaded up into the dinghy to get a closer look. We were shocked to be in the middle of a school of jumping rays. Here, let me show you…

Sydney was a little startled by all this action and we are afraid it has made her skittish about swimming in deeper water. Don’t worry kid, I’m with you on that! Can you believe how much air these guys catch?!

After grabbing lots of photos and videos we went back to the boat for the night. We stayed in San Evaristo for a couple of days and utilized the trash facilities, the restaurant and small market. We also hiked over to the salt flats on the other side of the cove.

We took the dinghy to the salt flats beach and were met by a pod of dolphins. Sydney was once again overwhelmed by all the action. Naps on cuddly pillows always help her out. 😜

Eventually it was time to head south back to La Paz area. We anchored in Candelero and then down to Balandra. We had big plans to dock the boat in La Paz and drive to the states. But Hurricane Bud had other ideas for us. I’ll catch you up on all of that on the next post! Thanks for stopping by and I hope this post finds you well. Cheers!!!
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Glad you touched base. I was wondering what and where you guys were!
Happy Sails